The Hammock

I wake with a start only to find an oval obscurely contrived object lying precariously some centimetres south of my navel. I am immediately baffled. I struggle to collect my startled thoughts when I hear a muffled thud on the ground. In my prostrate state, I curiously crane my neck in the direction of the …

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Napoli – A City without half-measures

Close your eyes. Imagine not hearing the sounds of the rushing motorcycles meandering in a chaotic web of synchronized mayhem. Open them. The breath-taking Belle Èpoque architecture, tinkering on the verges of dereliction, merges almost seamless, into the amazing ancient well-maintained baroque styled buildings. A true shopping paradise where fashion follows current trends. It is …

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UK elections

The electoral advance of JC – not to be mistaken for Jesus Christ – seen by many on the far left as The Messiah – was propelled in large by the disenchanted youth vote. Contrary to the popularly held credo, they turned out en masse. Their turn-up not only registered and signalled their displeasure with …

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